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- Consumibles
- Accesorios consumibles
- cargadores impresoras
- Cartuchos tinta reciclado
- Cd/dvd/disquetes vírgenes
- Cintas
- Consumibles 3d
- Consumibles gran formato
- Consumibles impresión de tinta
- Consumibles impresión de tinta no original
- Consumibles impresión láser
- Consumibles impresión láser no original
- Consumibles impresión matricial
- Papel
- Pilas
- Tambor/Fotoconductor
- Tóner Original
- Impresoras 3D
- Impresoras de inyección de tinta
- Impresoras Fotograficas
- Impresoras gran formato
- Impresoras Láser
- Impresoras matriciales
- Impresoras térmicas
- Inversor solar
- Lectores tarjetas
- Memorias USB
- Monitores
- pizarras electrónicas
- Presentadores
- Proyectores
- Ratones
- Sais
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- Tabletas Digitales
- Tarjetas de Memoria
- Teclados
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- Smartphones y Teléfonos
- Oficina
- Cables y Herramientas
- Adaptadores de cables
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- Cables de red
- Cables de video y tv
- Cables Extensores
- Cables para Teléfono
- cables usb
- Cargadores
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- Herramientas para cables
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- Repuestos
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- Audio y video para coche
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- llaveros
- Mini Electrodomésticos
- Planchas
- Productos de limpieza
- Radio y radio despertador
- Salud y bienestar
- Ventiladores
- Videovigilancia
- Audio, foto y video
- Servidores
- Tpv/Punto de Venta
- Redes
- Accesorios redes
- Adaptadores de Red
- Adaptadores WIFI USB
- Almacenamiento Armario
- Almacenamiento Sobremesa
- Antenas Wireless
- Armarios rack
- Bluetooth
- Concentradores
- Modem
- Parabólicas
- Powerline
- Protección hardware
- Protección software
- Puntos de Acceso
- Repetidores
- Routers
- Routers wifi
- Seguridad y Redes
- Servidores de impresión
- Switch
- Switches armario
- Switches Industriales
- Tarjetas de red
- Tarjetas de red wifi
- Televisores
- Tablets
- Software
Designed for in - store retail environments
requiring a highly accurate 2d scanning
solutión in a durable form factor - the voyager
extreme performance (xp) 1470g scanner
delivers industry - leading scanning capability
on traditiónal barcodes and digital screens
even on damaged and difficult - to - read codes.
with better durability and a more powerful scan capability than previous models
or any competitive scanner in its class the voyager xp 1470g scanner is the
perfect optión for workflows that include 1d and 2d barcode reading and require
a more robust and reliable solutión. the voyager xp 1470g scanner combines
added durability and better scan capability at the same competitive price point
as its predecessor. the scanners extended scan distance will reach right to
the bottom of the cart without bending and wasted time at the checkout.
built on the platform of honeywells iconic voyager series handheld
scanners - the voyager xp 1470g scanner is fully backward - compatible
with existing voyager accessories - reducing total cost of ownership.
engineered to 30 drops at 1.8 m (6 ft) and 1 -000 tumbles at 0.5 m (1.6
ft) - the voyager xp 1470g scanner is built to withstand busy point - of sale
scanning with much better accuracy than comparable solutións.
requiring a highly accurate 2d scanning
solutión in a durable form factor - the voyager
extreme performance (xp) 1470g scanner
delivers industry - leading scanning capability
on traditiónal barcodes and digital screens
even on damaged and difficult - to - read codes.
with better durability and a more powerful scan capability than previous models
or any competitive scanner in its class the voyager xp 1470g scanner is the
perfect optión for workflows that include 1d and 2d barcode reading and require
a more robust and reliable solutión. the voyager xp 1470g scanner combines
added durability and better scan capability at the same competitive price point
as its predecessor. the scanners extended scan distance will reach right to
the bottom of the cart without bending and wasted time at the checkout.
built on the platform of honeywells iconic voyager series handheld
scanners - the voyager xp 1470g scanner is fully backward - compatible
with existing voyager accessories - reducing total cost of ownership.
engineered to 30 drops at 1.8 m (6 ft) and 1 -000 tumbles at 0.5 m (1.6
ft) - the voyager xp 1470g scanner is built to withstand busy point - of sale
scanning with much better accuracy than comparable solutións.
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